A grizzly bear sits in the water munching on a salmon in their hands.

Research: Fisheries management of the Wuikinuxv bear-salmon-human system guided by n̓àn̓akila and data

Guided by the Wuikinuxv principle of n̓àn̓akila (to keep an eye on something or someone; a protector or guardian), a new study shows how fisheries managers can allocate salmon for wildlife, while balancing the needs of local communities.

Killer whales surface in a small cluster on the coast of BC.

Dr. Peter S. Ross to lead a new water contaminants program

There is an urgent need for a more comprehensive approach to monitoring water pollution in British Columbia. For these reasons, and more, we are excited to announce that Dr. Ross is leading the new Healthy Waters Program at Raincoast. He will bring new focus, and new reach, to our efforts to safeguard salmon, whales, and people.