The current situation for wolves in British Columbia
The level of human-caused wolf mortality can only be described as staggering.
The level of human-caused wolf mortality can only be described as staggering.
What science tells us about wolves who evolved to be black.
Southern Residents are vital to the health of entire ecosystems.
Unveiling the art of male scent marking and territory claiming.
Master’s research is looking into different life histories of sockeye salmon to better understand the impact of Raincoast’s breaches project.
Raincoast scientists comment on the opening of the Trans Mountain pipeline.
This compelling campaign film, with its epic surf montages, is now available to watch for free online.
In celebration of Wild Salmon Day, we identify some of the threats facing these fish in BC.
The petition seeks this buffer to match protections provided by Washington State that are coming into effect in January, 2025.
Our new animation delves into the history of hatcheries and the future we envision for wild salmon.
Our new animation highlights solutions to the problems in conventional fisheries.
Our new animation sheds light on the work we do to protect wild salmon.