
Materials to provide context, establish facts, and aid understanding.

A wolf lies down in the grass.

Wildlife killing contests

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We have ethical responsibilities to targeted species and to biodiversity, and we need to consider the well-being of both.
Aerial view of the Barrowtown pump station.

A former lake re-emerges: A backgrounder

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The catastrophic floods of late 2021 in southern British Columbia (Canada) and neighbouring Washington State (USA) destroyed homes, farms, and businesses, with excess water spilling debris, animal carcasses, and diesel fuel into historically productive fish habitat.
A large number of fishing boats squeeze into a small area off the coast of Alaska.

Impacts of Alaskan interception fisheries on Canadian and Southern U.S. salmon and steelhead

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Alaskan Interceptions of BC Salmon: State of Knowledge Prepared by: Andrew Rosenberger, Victoria Chicatun, and Greg TaylorPrepared for: Watershed Watch Salmon Society, Skeena Wild Conservation Trust Read the report and summary: Southeastern Alaska catch of BC salmon. How many Canadian salmon and steelhead are killed in Southeast Alaskan interception fisheries? In 2021, nearly 800,0000 sockeye…