Bear walking beside a river.

New study reveals complex relationships among grizzly bear activity, ecotourism, and salmon availability

The research found that bears can avoid ecotourists and take multiple weeks after encounters to return to their baseline activity levels. This new information can help fine-tune bear management and sustainable business practices.

Drone image of Sumas Prairie farm fields flooded.

New study identifies the cost of restoring the Sumas Xhotsa (Lake) as a tool for reconciliation, climate adaptation, and ecosystem restoration

The research weaves together Indigenous laws with an economic analysis to determine the cost of implementing ‘managed retreat’ as a nature-based solution to flood risk in the Lower Fraser region.

Grizzly bear standing in a river.

The influence of ecotourism on grizzly bear activity depends on salmon abundance

A new study, “Influence of ecotourism on grizzly bear activity depends on salmon abundance in the Atnarko River corridor, Nuxalk Territory” released today in the journal, Conservation Science and Practice, finds that grizzly bear activity is affected by ecotourists in diverse ways that depend on how many salmon are present in the ecosystem.  When salmon…

Three killer whales swimming near the surface of the water.

Letter in Science identifies the contradiction between protecting economic growth and biodiversity in Canada’s Fraser River Estuary 

The letter, asking whether Canada will permit killer whale extinction, identifies Canada’s conflicting aspirations and obligations to protect biodiversity while continuing to permit megaprojects that destroy the critical habitat of threatened and endangered species.