Coho salmon swimming in a river.

Take action: Urge Canada to regulate salmon-killing pollutant, 6PPD

Canada’s draft Priorities Plan is open for public comment until midnight tonight. Take action now. For years it was a mystery – why were coho salmon dying in large numbers as they returned through urban areas on their way to spawn? The phenomenon, observed for decades, became known as “urban run-off mortality syndrome”.  Painstaking research…

A killer whale chases a chinook salmon in the Salish Sea.

Canada’s government needs to use an Emergency Order to prevent extinction of Southern Resident killer whales

In May of 2024, Raincoast, along with five other conservation groups (David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Living Oceans, Natural Resources Defense Council, and World Wildlife Fund Canada) filed a petition with the federal government to implement an emergency order.