A killer whale emergency
Video: only 76 of the Southern Resident killer whales remain.
The Southern Resident killer whales were recognized as endangered under Canada’s Species at Risk Act (SARA) in 2002. Despite this, and understanding why they’re endangered, the Federal Government has taken no action to date to reduce their threats. After a suite of deaths in recent years and no successful calves since 2015, only 76 Southern Resident killer whales remain.
We are requesting an emergency order under SARA that outlines specific actions around two primary objectives:
- Increase the abundance of Chinook Salmon, (the Southern Residents’ primary food), through a suite of measures that include restricting the harvest of Chinook.
- Limit the noise and disturbance from boats that interferes with their ability to hunt salmon and communicate, especially within identified feeding refuges.
Please help us compel the government to act.
For more information on Raincoast’s work to protect these whales click here.
Please support our petition to protect killer whales.
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