Frog climbing a cedar tree with a map overlay showing where Maxwell Creek Watershed is located on Salt Spring Island.

Maxwell Creek Watershed Project Field Files Part 3: Mapping the watershed

Multiple practitioners working under the umbrella of the Maxwell Creek Watershed Project (MCWP or “the Project”) have contributed to this third instalment of the Field Files series, a photo essay illustrating the important role spatial data and mapping plays in establishing landscape-wide restoration projects. All maps were made by Nicholas Courtier, who also assisted with…

Forest floor with a stream running through, in the Maxwell Creek Watershed.

Maxwell Creek Watershed Project Field Files Part 1: Project Impetus

Registered environmental charity, Transition Salt Spring has partnered with experts and organizations from across the Coastal Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zone, including Raincoast Conservation Foundation, to provide a model for on-the-ground, multidisciplinary, multisectoral, and collaborative climate action.  We interviewed Ruth Waldick from Transition Salt Spring to learn more about Maxwell Creek Watershed project.  What is the Maxwell…

Shauna Doll looks up while she big tree hunting on Salts Spring.

Big tree hunting on Salt Spring Island

Earlier this month I spent two beautiful days on the coast of the Salish Sea, hunting for big trees. I was fortunate to join a research group of passionate “tree people” including Dr. Tara Martin, head of the Conservation Decisions Lab in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC; her Research Assistant, Cassandra Holt; Tony MacLeod from the Salt Spring Conservancy, and Jeff Shatford from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development to measure some of the tallest trees on Salt Spring Island…