GiveBig Washington to protect killer whales in the Salish Sea.
We are excited to participate in GiveBig Washington to protect critical habitat in the Salish Sea.
We are excited to participate in this year’s GiveBig Washington campaign! The 48-hour fundraiser officially starts this week (May 4-5), but with early giving having already started you can make a contribution now.
If you would like to help out and spread the word on our work, create your very own “FUNdrasing Page.” Every donation counts towards protecting critical habitat in the Salish Sea.
Raincoast’s approach to recovering Southern Resident killer whales, who call the Salish Sea home, stands on two primary tenets. First is to hold the line and keep critical habitat in the Salish Sea from becoming further degraded. The second tenet is to reduce the immediate threats undermining their survival, i.e. lack of food, noise and disturbance from vessels, and pollutants that accumulate in their food.
Thank you for your support!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our US Operations Coordinator, Denis (denis [at] raincoast [dot] org).

You can help
Raincoast’s in-house scientists, collaborating graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professors make us unique among conservation groups. We work with First Nations, academic institutions, government, and other NGOs to build support and inform decisions that protect aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and the wildlife that depend on them. We conduct ethically applied, process-oriented, and hypothesis-driven research that has immediate and relevant utility for conservation deliberations and the collective body of scientific knowledge.
We investigate to understand coastal species and processes. We inform by bringing science to decision-makers and communities. We inspire action to protect wildlife and wildlife habitats.