Climate change: policy in the dark
Toronto Star
Re: Climate change: policy in the dark, Editorial Dec. 11
Kudos to the Star for its thoughtful editorial. Reflecting on the federal government’s continued foot dragging on the climate change file, as well as its predilection for “shouting down critics and environmental activists,” as your editorial points out, one has to wonder what is exactly at the root of this intransigence and antagonism.Is it solely the fact that the prime minister and the environment minister are from Alberta ridings and feel compelled to defend the oil sands?
Or is there something more, such as a lingering disbelief that climate change is even occurring? The fact is, the prime minister has a track record of being a climate change skeptic.
In the United States, climate denial has become a crucible of sorts amongst the political right; let’s hope this dangerous mentality hasn’t migrated to their conservative brethren in Canada.
Chris Genovali, Executive Director,
Raincoast Conservation, Sidney, B.C.
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