Shauna Doll, MSc
Forest Conservation Program Director

Shauna (she/her) is the program director for the Forest Conservation Program (formerly known as the Gulf Islands Forest Project). Her work aims to strengthen protection of the rare and threatened habitats characteristic to Coastal Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zone with a specific focus on the Gulf Islands. This includes managing the Pender Islands Big Tree Registry, engaging in policy analysis, and overseeing Raincoast’s land protection trust, in addition to many other projects and initiatives.

Shauna has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sustainability, a master’s degree in Resource and Environmental Management, and she is currently working towards completing a professional specialization certificate in Ecological Restoration through the University of Victoria. Passionate about coastal interface ecosystems, Shauna first began working on forest protection in the Acadian/Wabanaki forests of Mi’kma’ki (now widely known as Nova Scotia) before transplanting to so-called British Columbia. She now lives and works on the territories of W̱SÁNEĆ, Songees, and Esquimalt Nations.

shauna [at] raincoast [dot] org


Doll S, Duinker PN. Characterization and Justification of Trees on an Inner-City Golf Course in Halifax, Canada: An Investigation into the Ecological Integrity of Institutional Greenspace. Forests. 2020; 11(1):96.

Doll , S., & Wright, T. (2019). Climate change art: Examining how the artistic community expresses the climate crisis. The International Journal of Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts, 14 (2).

McLean A. 2021. Tree Protection Bylaws in British Columbia. Raincoast Conservation Foundation. ISBN: 978-1-9993892-4-6.

Doll, S. (Ed.). 2022. The Story of the Coastal Douglas-fir forests—an interview series. Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

Webinar series produced

2021. Project TEACH. Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

2020. Gulf Islands webinar series. Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

Program in the news

Bell J. 2022. Donations sought to protect forest on North Pender Island. Times Colonist. 

Lane P. 2021. Shauna Doll believes buying up the forests will help us preserve a habitable planet. Canada’s National Observer.  

Emily Fagan. 2020. Local conservation groups launch bid to buy North Pender Island forest. Capital Daily.

Popular articles

Lambert E., Doll S. 2022. Synthesis of ProjectTEACH learnings. Raincoast Conservation Foundation. 

Doll S., McLean A., Genovali C. 2021. We must protect forests to protect water — and ourselves. Canada’s National Observer. 

Doll S., Genovali C. 2021. Why the BC NDP’s old-growth preservation efforts fall short. Canada’s National Observer. 

Doll,S., Genovali, C. 2021. Comment: Stronger forest protection policy needed on the Gulf Islands. Times Colonist.

Genovali C., Doll S. 2021. BC’s Coastal Douglas-fir Zone needs protection now. Raincoast Conservation Foundation. 

Genovali C., MacDuffee M., Doll S. 2020. Announcing Raincoast’s newest conservation initiative. Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

Recent articles

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