Young spotted owl in a tree.

The story of Coastal Douglas-fir forests: All about owls

As the worst fire season in Canadian historyーdriven by climate change, ecosystem fragmentation, and long-term land-use mismanagementーdecimates forests across the country, species-at-risk biologist Jared Hobbs reflects sadly on the dramatic decline of Northern Spotted Owls and Western Screech-owls across British Columbia. Habitat loss is central to this story. Old-growth logging has reduced the number of…

Hornby Island as seen from the air during a herring spawn.

The story of Coastal Douglas-fir forests: All about Hornby Island

This installment is the third of several articles seeking to explore the ways ecosystems  differ between the islands within the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) biogeoclimatic zone. Grant Scott, chair of the Hornby Island Conservancy and trustee on the Hornby Island Local Trust Committee, describes how historic land management regimes continue to shape the ways forests are…

Steep rocky cliffs that go straight into the ocean.

The story of Coastal Douglas-fir forests: All about Gabriola Island

This installment is the second in a series of several articles seeking to explore the ways ecosystems  differ between the islands within the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) biogeoclimatic zone. Rob Brockley, President of the Gabriola Land and Trails Trust, explains the ways topography, soil conditions, and increasing development pressure have influenced and continue to shape the…