Announcing Raincoast’s newest conservation initiative
In partnership with the Pender Islands Conservancy, we need to raise $395,000 to purchase a 13 acre property on North Pender Island…
What's new // Gulf Islands Forest Project
In partnership with the Pender Islands Conservancy, we need to raise $395,000 to purchase a 13 acre property on North Pender Island…
Measuring the heights of trees in the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) zone is quite a feat. In mature CDF forests (which, unfortunately, are increasingly hard to find), individual trees can grow up to 90 metres tall! But in the Gulf Islands, where most forests have been cut at some point in the not-so-distant past, second growth…
Earlier this month I spent two beautiful days on the coast of the Salish Sea, hunting for big trees. I was fortunate to join a research group of passionate “tree people” including Dr. Tara Martin, head of the Conservation Decisions Lab in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC; her Research Assistant, Cassandra Holt; Tony MacLeod from the Salt Spring Conservancy, and Jeff Shatford from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development to measure some of the tallest trees on Salt Spring Island…
The term “management” is often preceded by “resource” and thus implies a process resulting in economically beneficial outcomes. Governance suggests a more comprehensive, more collaborative approach to making land-use decisions…
The rainshadow region, extending across the southeastern coast of Vancouver Island from Metchosin to Deep Bay; covering the Gulf Islands, and reaching the Sunshine Coast, has been subject to rampant land conversion—by some estimates up to 50%…