Job posting: Species Monitoring and Outreach Technician
Applications close March 15th, 2024
What's new // Gulf Islands Forest Project
Applications close March 15th, 2024
Connectivity is vitally important at all sorts of scales over time and space.
In this article, Dr. Shannon Berch and Dr. Paul de la Bastide explain some of the deep relationships between fungi and other species and why it is so essential that we learn more about them.
Introducing a new practitioner’s report focused on reducing fire risk by increasing ecological integrity.
The Coastal Carnivores and Carbon project seeks to explore the role salmon abundance and large carnivore foraging activities play in carbon sequestration in coastal ecosystems in BC.
Big trees instill awe and connection in the human communities that surround them.
Join Raincoast and the Pender Islands Conservancy for a morning of big tree hunting on Pender Islands.
As the worst fire season in Canadian historyーdriven by climate change, ecosystem fragmentation, and long-term land-use mismanagementーdecimates forests across the country, species-at-risk biologist Jared Hobbs reflects sadly on the dramatic decline of Northern Spotted Owls and Western Screech-owls across British Columbia. Habitat loss is central to this story. Old-growth logging has reduced the number of…
In this article, Del Meidinger who led the development of the BEC system in British Columbia and was responsible for technical quality and standardization of methods and concepts for the BEC program, provides a simple explanation of the BEC system.
Applications close June 2, 2023.
When property prices are too high to protect these places via purchase, can we count on public policy tools to safeguard CDF forests from further degradation?
Forest Conservation Program Director Shauna Doll made a delegation to Islands Trust Council urging them to incorporate biodiversity protection.