
Miley Cyrus, Pamela Anderson are right on BC’s wolf cull

The Huffington Post

October 5, 2015

By Chris Genovali and Paul Paquet

Vancouver Island-born actress Pamela Anderson and American singer Miley Cyrus have rightly weighed in on British Columbia’s wolf cull, resulting in a stage tantrum by our elected entertainers, i.e. provincial politicians.

Premier Christy Clark’s awkward and derisive response to Anderson and Cyrus for having called out the unscientific, unethical and unwarranted B.C. wolf cull was inappropriately personal toward the two celebrities, while being factually incorrect about the cull. Evidently, Clark’s B.C. Liberal Party sitcom is in dire need of new scriptwriters.

In fairness to the premier, representatives from all the provincial parties in the B.C. legislature have, to varying degrees, repeated the misinformation and misconceptions propagated by anti-science, anti-large-carnivore, pro-wolf cull cheerleaders such as the B.C. Wildlife Federation.

Below, we offer five reasons why provincial politicians of all stripes who are supporting the cull, or straddling the fence, should reconsider where they stand on the issue…

To read the full article please visit the Huffington Post website.

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Coastal wolf with a salmon in its month.
Photo by Dene Rossouw.