Small-scale marsh creation
Daniel Stewart, Conservation Decisions Lab, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and Raincoast are all working in the Fraser River Estuary.
What's new // Fraser River Estuary
Daniel Stewart, Conservation Decisions Lab, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and Raincoast are all working in the Fraser River Estuary.
The study found that log booms impact physical habitat, water quality, and invertebrates in the lower Fraser River and Estuary.
The breaches we created in the North Arm and Steveston Jetties have seen immediate success, which is rare for a habitat restoration project.
We have created a new map to show the success we’ve observed at our habitat restoration sites.
This week, we are starting the construction of a second breach in the North Arm jetty.
In New Zealand and Quebec, communities have successfully pushed for some form of Rights of Nature laws to be accorded to ecosystems around them.
The letter, asking whether Canada will permit killer whale extinction, identifies Canada’s conflicting aspirations and obligations to protect biodiversity while continuing to permit megaprojects that destroy the critical habitat of threatened and endangered species.
Will the province stand by as the federal government permits the destruction of vital salmon habitat in BC?
Applications close June 2, 2023.
The Canadian government’s approval of Roberts Bank Terminal 2 violates federal law under the Species at Risk Act.
Raincoast’s Wild Salmon Program is focused on ensuring that wild salmon in British Columbia thrive across their historic landscape at abundance levels that sustain wildlife.
Our petition reached 4,239 signatures.