A collage of images for One Shot for Coastal Carnivores.
Photos by participating artists.

One Shot for Coastal Carnivores is a collection of photographs to help safeguard coastal carnivores

In support of our efforts, with Coastal First Nations, to permanently end commercial trophy hunting of all large carnivores on the coast of British Columbia, Raincoast curated a unique collection of art called One shot for Coastal Carnivores.

Each donated piece tells a story of the importance of protecting coastal carnivores. Large prints have been  auctioned online and exhibited in Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler. You can still purchase select prints in our online store with all the proceeds going towards our Safeguarding Coastal Carnivores Campaign.

We showed the One Shot for Coastal Carnivores exhibition at the Audain Art Museum and the Robert Bateman Centre in 2018. 

Vancouver October 23-30

Karen Cooper Gallery

Victoria, November 14th to December 3rd

Robert Bateman Centre
470 Belleville St
Public events
November 15-16 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Private viewing
November 14 6:30pm to 9:0pm

Whistler, December 8th, Audain Art Museum

Audain Art Museum
Opening night, December 8th
7:00pm to 9:30pm
Registration (over)
Public viewing from 10am to 4pm

Supporting artists

Why Southern Resident killer whales need emergency protection

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Episode 3: Wolves, biodiversity, and food security with Susan Bragdon

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Episode 2: Wolf social behaviour with Jane Packard 

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A mother’s grief, a population on the brink

This population is on a trajectory to extinction. But trajectories can change. There is still time.

Give your input to DFO on vessel management to protect Southern Residents

Input on recovery of Southern Resident killer whales and potential general vessel management measures for 2025 and 2026.

Episode 1: Gray wolf recovery with Diane Boyd

In our inaugural Of Wolves and Women episode, Diane Boyd reminds us “It’s people management, not wolf management.”