A black wolf stands on the edge of the water.

Notes from the Lab

Biologist Rainforest Wolf ProjectParasitology labUniversity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Peering down the eyepiece of my microscope, I scan a slide for larval stages of parasites. I find one that is familiar-a brown, translucent egg of the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium-and begin to count. One, two …. With the Wolf Project crew out of the field, our dedicated lab…

Fin Whale Frenzy

By Ian McLeod Marine Mammal Observer Journal Entry – October 2007 It was another early start for Raincoast’s marine mammal survey team as we needed every minute of light to complete the long transect from Haida Gwaii to the mainland in less than favourable conditions—cold winds and a slopping two-metre swell that seemed to come…

Oil Subsidies Undermine Tax

By CHRIS GENOVALI Victoria Times Colonist: Letters to the Editor Published: Thursday, February 21, 2008 While the Liberals try to foster a transition to a low-carbon economy via the new carbon-pricing initiative, their budget announcement simultaneously includes a 24 per cent increase in oil and gas subsidies, in addition to further funding and promotion of…

The Price of Oil: Alberta black gold rush threatens BC’s coast

Monday Magazine Last Word By CHRIS GENOVALI Feb 13 2008 One of the biggest industrial projects on the planet is about to get even bigger with corporate giant British Petroleum recently announcing their intention to heavily invest in Alberta’s oil sands. British Columbians should be concerned about what is happening with the oil sands, as…