A humbpack feeds

Submissions and public documents on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project

Putting the Great Bear Rainforest at risk, the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project posed serious implications for the wildlife of coastal British Columbia through habitat destruction associated with increased tanker traffic and the very real threat of diluted bitumen spills. Raincoast was an intervenor in the CEAA/ NEB (joint panel) review process and, along with First Nations, filed legal challenges to the project’s approval by the NEB and the federal government. Those legal challenges were successful and upheld by the Canadian Federal government.

A woman wearing a black jacket.

Tankers and oil spills could reverse years of recovery efforts

By Chris Genovali Lessons from the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska have shown that even after two decades, some species and fisheries still have not recovered. This includes killer whale populations, some seabird populations, shellfish harvesting and the commercial herring fishery. If the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline is constructed from Alberta’s tar sands…