Underwater view of a school of Chinook salmon swimming.

Funding habitat restoration and conservation in the Lower Fraser Region

The AFER Network features working groups to provide space for focused discussion of key topics related to conservation initiatives in the Lower Fraser. On June 17th from 1-3 pm, we are launching our Funding and Fiscal tools Working Group, which will discuss what a post-covid funding world could look like, shifts in funders’ strategic focus, and the role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in shaping funding priorities.

Underwater shot of a chum salmon in the Fraser River

Join us for the last webinar of our Connected Estuary series

In Episode 6, we will build on this learning with Morgan Guerin, a community member, past Councilor, and Senior Marine Planning Specialist for the Musqueam Nation. Morgan is also an artist who has developed materials for the c̓əsnaʔəm exhibit at the Musqueam Community Cultural Centre and he continues to share his knowledge, expertise and teachings through tool-kits for use in schools and other communities.

Single salmon smolt underwater.

An opportunity to learn about the importance of improved connectivity in the Fraser River Estuary

Join Dave Scott, Raincoast’s Lower Fraser Salmon Program Research and Restoration Coordinator, for an online information session about the upcoming North Arm Jetty Breaches Project and the importance of improved connectivity in the Fraser River Estuary. The session will include an opportunity for participants to ask questions and provide input on the project.

A tiny juvenile Chinook salmon in a viewfinder in the Lower Fraser River.

Chinook salmon exhibit long-term rearing and early marine growth in the Fraser River, B.C., a large urban estuary

Using tiny salmon ear bones, or otoliths, Raincoast researchers and partners were able to demonstrate that Chinook salmon from Harrison River rely on the Fraser estuary for one to two months while they feed and grow. These findings underscore the critical nature of this habitat for the persistence and recovery of Chinook salmon…