
Wild Salmon in Trouble

Wild Salmon in Trouble Video – at the Watershed Watch site

Watershed Watch produced the animation ‘Wild Salmon in Trouble’ to clarify why sea lice are a problem for wild salmon and to provide an overview of the salmon life cycle so the public can make informed decisions regarding the seafood they purchase.

Wild Salmon in Trouble’ is illustrated from the perspective of migrating wild salmon before and after the advent of salmon farming. It highlights the fact that even low numbers of sea lice on individual farmed salmon can translate to large numbers of sea lice being released into the nursery grounds of wild salmon. It also emphasizes the fact that although sea lice are a natural part of ocean ecosystems, sea lice from salmon farms are unnatural and may cause serious problems for juvenile wild salmon.

The animation is based on published, peer-reviewed scientific research and foreshadows an unknown future for coastal ecosystems and communities if something isn’t done to protect wild salmon from farm derived sea lice.

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Coastal wolf with a salmon in its month.
Photo by Dene Rossouw.