A Southern Resident killer whales, J50, glides through the water in the Salish Sea.

Chinook salmon, 74 killer whales, and the future of the Salish Sea

2018 closes with just 74 Southern Resident killer whales remaining in the world. You’ve been with us through a year of huge wins and some heartbreaking losses and it’s worth a recap as we close the year and prepare for 2019. January – With 76 Southern Residents remaining, Raincoast and partners petition the government to…

A Souther Resident killer whale is watched by a whale watching vessel: five logos on the right including David Suzuki Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, Georgia Strait Alliance, Natural Resources Defense council and Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

We are taking the federal government to court to protect endangered Southern Resident killer whales

Today, we launched a lawsuit to ensure our federal government acts to protect the endangered Southern Resident killer whales. The lawsuit comes less than a month after Southern Resident J35 (Tahlequah) carried her deceased calf for 17 days