A black bear sits down in the river bank and sticks out it's tongue: Terry Moore and Chris Genovali.

Chris Genovali and Terry Moore on trophy hunting and the changing paradigm of “wildlife as commodity”

This summer Raincoast executive director Chris Genovali spoke with Terry Moore to discuss the problems with trophy hunting in BC and globally. We learned last week that Terry Moore passed away. Our sincere condolences to Terry’s family and to his colleagues at CFAX. We have deep respect for his body of work as a journalist…

A bear stands in the distant grass and fog to get a better look or maybe smell.

On the hunt for science in ‘science-based’ hunts

For years, British Columbia’s wildlife management practices, especially its wolf cull and grizzly bear hunt, have been controversial. In 2015, then-Premier Christy Clark defended the province’s wildlife policies, stating they were grounded in sound science. That, at least, was the claim. And not one unique to British Columbia. In fact, hunting in Canada and the…

A black bear stands with her Spirit bear cub

Save the great bears

Help us bring a permanent end to commercial trophy hunting in the Great Bear Rainforest Working with our Coastal First Nations partners, our goal is to acquire all remaining commercial hunting tenures in the Great Bear Rainforest. You can help us extinguish guided hunting. Donate to Save the Great Bears Your donation will help us…