Conservation concerns for DFO’s 2016 salmon fishing plan
BC wild salmon conservation groups submit concerns to DFO for 2016 fishing plan.
What's new // BC salmon management
BC wild salmon conservation groups submit concerns to DFO for 2016 fishing plan.
Nonprofit conservation groups are angry with the Canadian government over its reaction to a video the groups produced that they claim shows fishermen violating the law…
Mark Hume, Globe & Mail
A video that shows fishermen kicking salmon apparently lifeless overboard has triggered a federal investigation, but groups want changes to practices, not charges…
Conservation groups handing over video say DFO and Pattison Group are scapegoating fishermen instead of addressing real issue…
The three conservation groups that publicly revealed the blatant waste of valuable salmon expected some “push back” from DFO but did not expect them to purposefully mislead the public…
Island Tides
The bycatch of chum in BC’s pink salmon fisheries means thousands of pounds of chum won’t make it to their spawning grounds or the mouths of hungry carnivores…
Three BC salmon conservation groups are concerned that 1.37 million pounds of chum salmon have been discarded as by-catch in pink salmon fisheries. CFAX interviews Raincoast biologist Misty MacDuffee…
Three Canadian environmental groups say Canada is mismanaging the British Columbia chum salmon fishery by requiring massive amounts of discards…
Commercial fisheries targeting pink salmon on BC’s north coast have discarded over 1.37 million pounds of chum salmon as by-catch. Many of these fish are from depleted stocks…