Small Stream Surveys report cover overlayed on a black and white photo of a small forest stream.

Small Streams Survey Report (2006)

This report documents 127 previously undocumented salmon-bearing streams surveyed on BC’s central coast between 2003-2006 in Heiltsuk Territory. Small Streams Survey Report [icon icon=”external-link”] (PDF) Summary Small stream surveys were carried out by members of the Heiltsuk Nation, volunteers, and staff of Raincoast Conservation Foundation between September 2003 and October 2006. Our objective was to…

Death by a Thousand Cuts: The importance of small streams on British Columbia’s central and north coasts (2005)

This report describes the role of small salmon runs in the overall structure and genetics of salmon populations. It is a response to the increased effort of federal monitoring of large salmon-bearing streams, at the expense and health of small runs. Death by a thousand cuts