Why Canada needs to codify Bill C-48, the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act
Misty MacDuffee travelled to Ottawa last week to give testimony to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee in support of Bill C-48…
What's new // oil tankers on BC coast
Misty MacDuffee travelled to Ottawa last week to give testimony to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee in support of Bill C-48…
Almost three weeks later, the sunken tug is still there, still intermittently leaking diesel, and clean-up efforts have barely begun…
By Andrea Woo, The Globe and Mail
In coming weeks, more than a thousand small, yellow cards will traverse the waters around Vancouver, the Gulf and San Juan Islands, washing up along shores of the Salish Sea…
The Financial Post looks at the final arguments in the Northern Gateway JRP Hearings including Raincoast’s and its Coalition Partners…
Oceanside Star
By Pamela Suzanne Smyth
It’s not if but when a spill will happen as a result of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, Brian Falconer, from Raincoast Conservation Foundation, told a crowd at the Qualicum Beach Civic Centre…
Public not given a say in expansion of oil exports from Burnaby port
By Chris Genovali and Misty MacDuffee, Times Colonist December 16, 2011
Incremental applications to the NEB are an effective way for Kinder Morgan to significantly increase the amount of crude oil exported out of Burrard Inlet without mentioning the terms oil tanker or tarsands…
Gulf Islands Driftwood
December 13, 2011
By Chris Genovali and Misty MacDuffee
Kinder Morgan wants to triple the amount of crude oil being shipped from Vancouver’s Burrard Inlet through Georgia Strait, the Fraser estuary, the Gulf Islands, the San Juan Islands, Haro Strait and Juan de Fuca Strait…
By Sean McIntyre – Gulf Islands Driftwood
Published: August 31, 2011
Broader public consultation and a thorough risk assessment are needed before a decision to increase tanker traffic by more than 200% through the Gulf Islands is made…..
Special to the Vancouver Sun, Earth day April 22 2010 By Josh Paterson, Jen Lash, Nikki Skuce, Gerald Amos, Pat Moss, Eric Swanson, Ian McAlister, Jennifer Rice, Julia Hill and Chris Genovali. Federal studies have repeatedly concluded that oil tankers must be prohibited in some sensitive marine areas because of the severe risks.
By Caroline Fox, Ornithologist, Marine Conservation Program Nepean Sound, BC North Coast, October, 2008 In the fall, the skies, lands and waters of the Great Bear Rainforest teem with marine and coastal birds. While some will overwinter here, many millions are in the midst of a major migration south.