Protecting wildlife can sustain our future, too
Times Colonist
Raincoast says despite the knowledge that many species depend on salmon, humans have never managed fisheries with wildlife in mind…
What's new // managing fisheries for wildlife
Times Colonist
Raincoast says despite the knowledge that many species depend on salmon, humans have never managed fisheries with wildlife in mind…
The Northern View
Published: November 30, 2010
By Chris Genovali and Misty MacDuffee
As this year’s returning wild salmon headed upstream, scientists spawned a game-changing idea about how taking less salmon might bring more benefits to ecosystems and economies…
As this year’s salmon head upstream, scientists have spawned a game-changing idea about how taking less salmon from the ocean might bring more benefits to ecosystems and economies…
At Raincoast Conservation Foundation, biologist Misty MacDuffee is known as The Salmon Goddess. Misty has gained this appellation not only for the expertise she has developed in salmonid ecology, but also for her passion and dedication as an advocate for these amazing fish.