Chinook salmon and its importance to Southern Resident killer whales
Raincoast’s Misty MacDuffee speaks with Roundhouse Radio about the importance of Chinook (Spring) salmon to the survival of Southern Resident killer whales.
What's new // killer whales need chinook
Raincoast’s Misty MacDuffee speaks with Roundhouse Radio about the importance of Chinook (Spring) salmon to the survival of Southern Resident killer whales.
Federal MP Randall Garrison introduced a motion to the House of Commons to protect BC’s southern resident killer whales. Raincoast is in full support…
Eco-activists hail it as landmark ruling; DFO changes expected
By Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist
December 8, 2010
The federal government has failed to adequately protect the habitat of endangered and threatened resident killer whales, a Federal Court judge ruled Tuesday…