Dr. Erin Wall presents on humpback whale songs in Perth
Dr. Erin Wall is at the Perth conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals where she is singing the praise of humpback whale song.
Dr. Erin Wall is at the Perth conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals where she is singing the praise of humpback whale song.
Senior Scientist and Co-Director of our Cetacean Conservation Research Program, Dr. Valeria Vergara, is teaching the course, which is part of the SFU’s Continuing Studies Program.
Umbrella species like the grizzly bear and apex predators such as the killer whale are a focus of Raincoast’s conservation efforts precisely because they are reliant on a broader range of species and processes, and a more complex system to which they contribute to and depend on…
Watching these magnificent creatures work in unison to catch their meal was truly inspirational and became the idea behind my first Artistic Cartography piece for Raincoast. Listening to them, via the hydrophone that Captain Nick dropped over the side, still makes the hair on the back of neck stand on end and solidified the artistic idea that this hunting method had to be painted…
A new five-part documentary series, Coastal Revival, tells how First Nations, conservationists, researchers and ecotourism are combining to protect some of the BC’s most emblematic wildlife.
David P. Ball / VICE
The Canadian government’s announcement that it’s knocking humpback whales off its endangered species list has critics pulling their “Save the whales!” signs from the 1980s out of storage…
Misty MacDuffee & Chris Genovali
Times Colonist
The federal government intends to down-list the status of North Pacific humpback whales…
David P. Ball / 24 hours Vancouver
Humpback whales were removed from Canada’s species-at-risk list Tuesday, a decision some scientists allege was fast-tracked under political pressure…
Peter O’Neil / Vancouver Sun
The Harper government is downgrading the protection of the North Pacific humpback whale despite objections from a clear majority of groups that were consulted…
One hundred years ago, British Columbia’s humpback whales had many reasons to fear humans…
Raincoast and three other ENGO’s have launched a lawsuit to block the federal Cabinet approval of the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline…
By Mike De Souza, Postmedia News
The proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline threatens critical habitat of humpback whales off the coast of BC, says newly released internal federal documents from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans…