Wolf School with Heather Bryan.

Wolf School Episode 3 with biologist Dr. Heather Bryan

After our fantastic second episode with the Wolf Conservation Center’s Regan Downey last week, our next wolf school session will feature another inspiring scientist and educator, Dr. Heather Bryan. Now an Assistant Professor in Ecosystem Science and Management at the University of Northern BC, Heather has played a critical role in Raincoast’s work on coastal wolves and bears for many years…

Three dogs playing with a frisbee in a field.

Dogs as sentinels of disease in wildlife and humans

Exposure to infectious agents in dogs in remote coastal British Columbia: Possible sentinels of diseases in wildlife and humans. Heather M. Bryan, Chris T. Darimont, Paul C. Paquet, John A. Ellis, Noriko Goji, Maëlle Gouix, Judit E. Smits Citation Bryan, Heather M., Chris T. Darimont, Paul C. Paquet, John A. Ellis, Noriko Goji, Maëlle Gouix, and Judit…

A black wolf stands on the edge of the water.

Notes from the Lab

Biologist Rainforest Wolf ProjectParasitology labUniversity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Peering down the eyepiece of my microscope, I scan a slide for larval stages of parasites. I find one that is familiar-a brown, translucent egg of the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium-and begin to count. One, two …. With the Wolf Project crew out of the field, our dedicated lab…