The Kitlope: A place that changes you
Sacred to the Haisla and known as Xesdu’wäxw (Huschduwaschdu), which means “blue, milky, glacial water”, the Kitlope is now the largest protected temperate rainforest on the planet.
What's new // grizzly trophy hunting
Sacred to the Haisla and known as Xesdu’wäxw (Huschduwaschdu), which means “blue, milky, glacial water”, the Kitlope is now the largest protected temperate rainforest on the planet.
Press Release: BC government has extended its public feedback period to January 31, for proposals to increase trophy killing of wolves and grizzly bears.
Public consultation on expanded grizzly and wolf hunts in the Peace Region has been extended until January 31, 2016.
Brian Falconer & Chris Genovali/Vancouver Sun
The recent controversy surrounding the tug of war between the B.C. Wildlife Federation and the Guide Outfitters Association of B.C. over the allocation of wildlife is a lurid sideshow…
Anna Taylor / The Ecologist
In BC, trophy hunting may be reducing grizzly bear populations. A new study by Raincoast finds evidence of serious ‘overkill’ – of which trophy hunting is a big contributor…
Mark Hume, Globe and Mail
Environmental group hopes to raise money needed to buyout hunting licenses in the Great Bear Rainforest…
A new economic study released today shows once again that grizzly bear viewing is worth far more to the provincial economy than the trophy hunting of these iconic animals on the coast of BC…
By Wendy Stueck, The Globe and Mail
The B.C. government is proposing to open up grizzly hunting next season, despite a recent study that concluded the government is underestimating the number of bears killed each year…
“Confronting Uncertainty in Grizzly Bear Management” is a paper published by Raincoast scientists and our partners that challenges the BC government’s claim of sound scientific management over its grizzly hunt.
By Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun
The number of grizzly bears killed in B.C. exceeded government targets in half the areas where the province permitted hunting of the species, a new study released Wednesday concludes…
Scientists from the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, SFU, and UVIC have authored the first peer-reviewed study of BC’s controversial grizzly bear management…
CFAX discusses the BC government-sanctioned trophy hunting of grizzly bears with Raincoast’s Brian Falconer. Listen to the podcast…