Bear walking beside a river.

New study reveals complex relationships among grizzly bear activity, ecotourism, and salmon availability

The research found that bears can avoid ecotourists and take multiple weeks after encounters to return to their baseline activity levels. This new information can help fine-tune bear management and sustainable business practices.

Bird on a tree with a bug in its mouth.

Canada releases the 2030 National Biodiversity Strategy and Nature Accountability Bill –a positive step, but one that falls short 

The final 2030 National Biodiversity Strategy addresses biodiversity-harming subsidies and promises an adaptive management approach, but lacks a clear plan on how it will be implemented.

Drone image of Sumas Prairie farm fields flooded.

New study identifies the cost of restoring the Sumas Xhotsa (Lake) as a tool for reconciliation, climate adaptation, and ecosystem restoration

The research weaves together Indigenous laws with an economic analysis to determine the cost of implementing ‘managed retreat’ as a nature-based solution to flood risk in the Lower Fraser region.