Legal victory offers hope for killer whales
Media Release, December 7, 2010
Federal Court rules DFO failed to protect B.C. resident killer whale critical habitat. Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, have won a landmark decision…
Press releases by Raincoast Conservation Foundation.
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Media Release, December 7, 2010
Federal Court rules DFO failed to protect B.C. resident killer whale critical habitat. Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, have won a landmark decision…
Raincoast senior scientist Dr. Paul Paquet is a co-author of new book highlighting the urgent need for Canada to protect its rainforests as climate change insurance…
Today, the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences published findings by Raincoast and other researchers on sea lice infestations of wild juvenile salmon near salmon farms…
As this year’s salmon head upstream, scientists have spawned a game-changing idea about how taking less salmon from the ocean might bring more benefits to ecosystems and economies…
Astounding scientists and conservationists, Nova Scotia has declared a coyote bounty. Guised as a “pelt incentive plan” the bounty would provide $20 per coyote. But coyote bounties don’t work to control the population…
Case could determine future of Canada’s at-risk species MEDIA RELEASE June 15, 2010 VANCOUVER – Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, are back in Federal Court today after launching a lawsuit against Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) over the protection of B.C.’s resident killer whales. If successful, the case will ensure stronger legal protection for all of Canada’s endangered…