Mirror, mirror on the wall: The wolf as scapegoat
An essay from Paul C. Paquet about our relationship with wolves.
What's new // wolf kill to protect caribou
An essay from Paul C. Paquet about our relationship with wolves.
Huffington Post: Chris Genovali and Paul Paquet
BC’s low point in 2012 was the rollout of the “Draft Management Plan for the Grey Wolf “…
Alaska Highway News
A wolf-kill contest sponsored has provoked outrage in the provincial media…
by Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun
The BC government has declared open season on wolves in the Cariboo region, a move that critics like Raincoast’s Dr. Paul Paquet contend is unjustifiable and based on politics, not science…
By Andrea Woo, Vancouver Sun A collective of Canadian environmental groups has written an open letter to Premier Gordon Campbell decrying the provincial government’s proposal for an aerial wolf kill in efforts to protect the dwindling mountain caribou population.
The following open letter has been sent to BC Premier Gordon Campbell opposing the killing of wolves and cougars to save mountain caribou May 3, 2010 BY FAX AND E-MAIL Premier Gordon Campbell PO Box 9041 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9E1 Fax: (250) 387-0087 Dear Premier Campbell: The undersigned organizations are strongly opposed…