The cry of the wolf

Globe and Mail December 19, 2008 by Chris Darimont and Chris Genovali With dismay we read Mark Hume’s article (B.C.’s Quiet War On Wolves – Dec.15). Emboldened by the forest industry and hunting groups, the province has demonized and made scapegoats of wolves for the decline of everything from marmots to mountain caribou.

War on wolves fails test of reason, efficacy and morality

The real culprit in the decline of the caribou is human activity The Vancouver Sun December 18, 2008 By Chris Darimont and Chris Genovali With dismay we read Larry Pynn’s article (Wolves killed to protect caribou, Dec. 15) regarding the B.C. government’s clandestine war on wolves. What an astounding folly-in-the-making, and on several grounds.