Premature: Raincoast comments on SARA down-listing of humpbacks
Raincoast is concerned the proposed down-listing of SARA listed North Pacific humpback whales in BC is premature. We submitted comments in May 2014 to the federal government…
Raincoast is concerned the proposed down-listing of SARA listed North Pacific humpback whales in BC is premature. We submitted comments in May 2014 to the federal government…
Raincoast’s Chris Genovali responds in the Vancouver Sun to advocates for downlisting humpback whales…
David P. Ball / VICE
The Canadian government’s announcement that it’s knocking humpback whales off its endangered species list has critics pulling their “Save the whales!” signs from the 1980s out of storage…
Misty MacDuffee & Chris Genovali
Times Colonist
The federal government intends to down-list the status of North Pacific humpback whales…
Victoria Times Colonist
Raincoast’s Misty MacDuffee and Chris Genovali discuss the realities of Enbridge’s ads and promises for killer whales…
Federal MP Randall Garrison introduced a motion to the House of Commons to protect BC’s southern resident killer whales. Raincoast is in full support…
DFO finds a critically endangered North Pacific right whale off the BC coast. See footage with narration by Dr. John Ford, head of DFO’s cetacean research program…
By Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun
Canadian environmental groups have received legal standing in a U.S. suit that seeks to halt Navy sonar exercises that would threaten at-risk whales on the West Coast…
Raincoast biologist Misty MacDuffee speaks with CBC about lessons we have learned…
By Mike De Souza, Postmedia News
The proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline threatens critical habitat of humpback whales off the coast of BC, says newly released internal federal documents from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans…
Island Tides
By Misty MacDuffee and Chris Genovali
Raincoast contends that the nominal information generated from deploying satellite tags to the fins of endangered killer whales does not justify the risk of serious injury…
A plan to tag endangered killer whales that ply both sides of the international border between British Columbia and the United States is being met with growing opposition in Canada…