J16 spy hops: Southern Resident killer whale.

Canada’s recovery measures for endangered killer whales a positive step

A coalition of six conservation groups commend the federal government’s new measures to support Southern Resident killer whale recovery. The measures are the boldest yet; greater whale-watching restrictions, expanded voluntary slow downs for international shipping and the creation of no-vessel zones in feeding areas.  However, important feeding areas protected from fishing are smaller than last year’s areas, allowing less protection for whales and more areas for fishing…

Southern Resident Killer Whales in the Salish Sea.

New research indicates increasing Chinook salmon abundance and reducing disturbance is essential for Southern Resident killer whale recovery

Our new study shows a 25% chance that these iconic whales could be lost within the next 100 years. With appropriate and resolute actions, however, this risk of extinction could be significantly reduced…

Population viability analysis graphs overlaying a Killer Whale

Research: Evaluating anthropogenic threats to endangered killer whales to inform effective recovery plans

The endangered Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) that inhabit the Pacific Coast of Canada and the United States are balancing on a knife-edge. New research conducted by an international team of renowned scientists representing academic and conservation organizations in three countries…