A butterfly lands on a flower in the Kitlope tenure.

Some good news for 2020? How about ending commercial trophy hunting in the 5,300 km2 Kitlope hunting tenure

I first visited the Kitlope Valley thirty years ago aboard the Maple Leaf at the invitation of the Haisla and Xenaksiala people who were fighting to save their homeland from clearcut logging. This was the beginning of my own journey…

A wolverine stands in a stream below a log overhead, with a salmon head hanging from its mouth.

Next step for safeguarding large carnivores in the Great Bear Rainforest

Raincoast Conservation Foundation, with the support of Coastal First Nations, has struck a deal to buy a fourth trophy hunting licence in the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest. The exclusive commercial licence covers an area of more than 2,300 square kilometres of rich habitat for large carnivores, including grizzlies, black bears, Spirit bears, wolves…