BC Ferries pulls anti-wolf cull ads after complaint
CBC News/All Points West
Raincoast is incredulous after a single passenger complaint caused BC Ferries to review and then pull the group’s anti-wolf cull ads…
What's new // wolves scapegoated to protect caribou
CBC News/All Points West
Raincoast is incredulous after a single passenger complaint caused BC Ferries to review and then pull the group’s anti-wolf cull ads…
Among the most studied of large wild mammals, wolves will always hold a special fascination for our supporters, the Raincoast staff, and me…
Seaside Magazine, January 2013
By Chris Genovali and Paul Paquet
There has been much controversy over the draft management plan for Grey Wolves put forward by BC’s provincial government…
by Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun
Raincoast’s wolf scientists Paul Paquet and Chris Darimont comment on the province’s wolf management plan…
Raincoast says wolves are being scapegoated to protect caribou instead of addressing the real problem: Alberta’s tar sands…