We’re nowhere near a ‘world class oil spill response’
Fuel spill in Heiltsuk Territory underscores rhetoric in federal and provincial messaging as environmental damage builds in the Great Bear Rainforest…
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Materials to provide context, establish facts, and aid understanding.
Fuel spill in Heiltsuk Territory underscores rhetoric in federal and provincial messaging as environmental damage builds in the Great Bear Rainforest…
The following is a brief overview of our scientific and legal work against the Northern Gateway Project in our efforts to keep our coast oil-free.
Raincoast releases video to encourage public comments on the killer whale action plan.
Public comment period ends August 14th.
Help us end the trophy killing of large carnivores in the Great Bear Rainforest – now and forever. Every year in BC a staggering number of bears, wolves, and other large carnivores are killed by hunters for trophies on their walls and floors. For two decades we have worked to end this senseless slaughter. In…
The court confirmed that the federal government’s consultations with First Nations were insufficient. Ecojustice lawyer Barry Robinson, representing Raincoast and Livings Oceans, said his clients are thrilled that the court has quashed Enbridge’s permits.
Ecojustice lawyers, representing Living Oceans and Raincoast, have filed for a judicial review of the NEB’s report that recommended the federal Cabinet approve the Kinder Morgan pipeline.
The NEB’s approval of Kinder Morgan’s TMX jeopardizes the survival of BC’s endangered southern resident killer whales, increasing the probability that they will ultimately go extinct, asserted Raincoast.
At Sea with the Marine Birds of the Raincoast shares the unique story of conservation scientist Dr. Caroline Fox as she sails thousands of kilometers along the BC coast, surveying marine birds.
A new five-part documentary series, Coastal Revival, tells how First Nations, conservationists, researchers and ecotourism are combining to protect some of the BC’s most emblematic wildlife.
Raincoast biologists are at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference this week discussing their work in the Salish Sea and the Fraser Estuary.
A new study by Raincoast scientists and collaborators demonstrates that the fear top predators inspire can have cascading effects down the food chain critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems.
“The quantity of Kinder Morgan’s evidence does not make it quality evidence,” said Karen Campbell, Ecojustice lawyer for Raincoast and Living Oceans.