Watershed partnerships gather momentum
Our Healthy Waters team has visited watersheds around BC: from Whistler, to Vancouver Island, the Nicola River Valley, and the Sunshine Coast.
What's new // Vancouver Island
Our Healthy Waters team has visited watersheds around BC: from Whistler, to Vancouver Island, the Nicola River Valley, and the Sunshine Coast.
Kristen Walters, Raincoast’s Lower Fraser River Salmon Conservation Program Coordinator, shares about her experience in the field.
In partnership with the Pender Islands Conservancy, we need to raise $395,000 to purchase a 13 acre property on North Pender Island…
Katherine Dedyna / Times Colonist
Wildlife might be close to the hearts of B.C. residents in theory, but in real life, it’s rare for cougars who come into contact with humans to survive the encounter…
By Cindy E. Harnett, Times Colonist August 31, 2011
Monday’s attack is extremely rare and Parks Canada says public protection is a key mandate. However, Paul Paquet, senior scientist for Raincoast, who has a doctorate in zoology, said protection of wildlife is also in the mandate…
By Ken Manning – North Island Gazette
Published: January 27, 2011
Say the word “cougar” on the North Island and people pay attention. Say that cougars need our protection, not vice versa, and you are probably in for an argument…
Times Colonist
January 22, 2011
Cougars help make Vancouver Island what it is. Most of us never see one. But their existence confirms that the wildness at the heart of this land has not been lost as humans have claimed more and more space for their own….
By Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist
December 18, 2010
Remote waterfront property has its limitations when it comes to comfortable, long-term winter accommodation. None of that, though, apparently deters Vancouver Island black bears…