Today’s approval of TMX sanctions probable extinction of the Southern Resident killer whales
Trudeau government’s approval is neither science-based nor in Canada’s best interest, and does not safeguard killer whales…
Trudeau government’s approval is neither science-based nor in Canada’s best interest, and does not safeguard killer whales…
Raincoast video urges public action to reject Kinder Morgan and recover endangered Southern Resident killer whales…
The Guardian: Trans Mountain Expansion project poses the greatest risk yet to a killer whale population on the edge of extinction…
Misty MacDuffee speaks with Roundhouse Radio about the life and death of Southern Resident killer whales…
Join Raincoast and the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea to be informed and inspired by our legal and scientific efforts to keep our coast oil free…
Join Raincoast and UVic’s Society of Geography Students (SOGs) to be informed and inspired by our legal and scientific efforts to keep our coast oil free…
Raincoast’s Misty MacDuffee speaks with Roundhouse Radio about the importance of Chinook (Spring) salmon to the survival of Southern Resident killer whales.
It has been 14 years since Southern Resident killer whales were listed as endangered. Today, less than 85 of these whales remain. Despite their legal obligation, the federal government has failed to take measures to recover these endangered whales…
Raincoast releases video to encourage public comments on the killer whale action plan.
Public comment period ends August 14th.
With your support, we can continue to do our utmost to protect Southern Resident killer whales, including going to court to stop Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and oil tanker project.
There is also no evidence that enhancing late-timed Chinook from Nitinat hatchery will help Southern Resident killer whales.
Last month, the NEB recommended approval of Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline and accompanying increase in oil-tanker traffic.