Sounding the alarm: The federal draft Ocean Noise Strategy falls short
Why Canada’s draft Ocean Noise Strategy misses the mark.
Why Canada’s draft Ocean Noise Strategy misses the mark.
Southern Resident killer whales need protective orders to facilitate recovery.
In May of 2024, Raincoast, along with five other conservation groups (David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Living Oceans, Natural Resources Defense Council, and World Wildlife Fund Canada) filed a petition with the federal government to implement an emergency order.
Will the province stand by as the federal government permits the destruction of vital salmon habitat in BC?
The endangered Southern Resident killer whale population isn’t getting enough to eat, and hasn’t been since 2018, a new study has determined.
Spirits of the Coast brings together the work of marine biologists, Indigenous knowledge keepers, poets, artists and storytellers, united by their enchantment with the orca.
n 2020, a federal review panel concluded that the Terminal 2 shipping expansion project would have significant adverse and cumulative effects to populations of Fraser Chinook.
2021 was the third year of collaborative efforts by the federal government, NGOs, and stakeholders to implement threat reduction measures.
The rise of vessel traffic, the growth of the whale watching industry, increased interactions between whales and small vessels, and the precarious existence of Southern Residents in particular, has given rise to some regulations from the federal government that attempt to mitigate the harm these interactions pose…
In a six page letter (PDF) to the CEO of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, Canada’s minister of Environment and Climate Change, Jonathan Wilkinson, requested more information from the Port to assess the effectiveness of mitigation efforts in the proposed expansion of Terminal 2 on Roberts Bank. Wikinson’s letter conveyed the panel’s conclusion about likely adverse effects to fish, fish habitat and other at-risk species if Terminal 2 proceeds…
The shipping expansion at the Deltaport terminal will place further stress on the Fraser estuary that has already lost more than 70% of its natural habitat. Raincoast is particularly concerned about the impacts from the terminal on Fraser Chinook salmon and Southern Resident killer whales…
The book was produced to accompany the Royal BC Museum’s 2020 feature exhibition Orcas: Our Shared Future which, due to the pandemic, is rescheduled to now open in May 2021…