A memorable evening at the 2024 Raincoast Ocean Science Awards
Filled with warmth, camaraderie, and engaging conversations, the Ocean Awards was an inspiring celebration of science excellence and conservation achievement.
Filled with warmth, camaraderie, and engaging conversations, the Ocean Awards was an inspiring celebration of science excellence and conservation achievement.
Islands in the Salish Sea are experiencing a worsening seasonal water deficit.
The Gulf Islands represent 33.2% of the provincial extent of Coastal Douglas-fir forests and associated habitats which are among the most biodiverse in the province. Yet, this region is also the most degraded.
In light of recent evidence of the unmarked graves of 215 children that have been found at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada, we express our deep condolences to the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc, Residential School Survivors and all Indigenous people who continue to be affected.
Before 2020 closes, please accept my sincere thanks and gratitude for your support that has enabled our success.
We have now raised the funds required to buy the Kitlope hunting tenure. You’ve helped us to permanently end commercial trophy hunting in the spectacular Kitlope Conservancy and surrounding area. We owe a huge thanks to you, all of our donors, and everyone who has helped us to raise the $650,000 required…
BC’s wolves are killed through a variety of means, most of which are gratuitous, inhumane and unethical. These include legal hunting and trapping, as well as government sanctioned culling, the latter using such techniques as aerial gunning and neck snares…
The senseless trophy killing of Staqeya (Takaya), the iconic ‘lone wolf’ made famous by his stay on Discovery Island, once again brings to the fore the full-spectrum persecution of Canis lupus in BC…
As this decade closes, it’s timely to celebrate what we have collectively achieved for BC’s coast. Raincoast’s past in the Kitlope takes us back three decades to 1990, when Brian Falconer first visited at the invitation of the Haisla and Xenaksiala. The Nations were working to save the Kitlope from clearcut logging, which they ultimately…
#GivingTuesday is a global movement of generosity that has a huge impact on smaller charitable organizations like Raincoast. Raincoast is funded by donations from people like you and those donations allow us to continue our work of protecting the wildlife of BC’s coast, the Salish Sea, Great Bear Rainforest and beyond. 100% of your donations…
Recent events have raised important legal questions about the policies, practices, and procedures of the British Columbia Conservation Officer Service (BCCOS) for responding to human-wildlife conflicts. This past summer was marked by multiple encounters involving people and black bears in the Lower Mainland, with accompanying BCCOS-related controversy as well. In a high-profile incident in Coquitlam,…
Given the ecological challenges that Fraser River salmon, including juvenile salmon, face at this point in history, now is not the time to increase pressure on their rearing grounds in the Fraser estuary by increasing the footprint of the Terminal 2 project on Roberts Bank….