Write letters

Contacting provincial and federal elected officials, as well as members of the opposition and newspapers, is an effective and important way to communicate your thoughts on an issue.  Here are some key contacts. Provincial BC Premier Hon. Gordon Campbell (and MLA Vancouver-Point Grey)Mailing address: PO Box 9041 Stn Prov Govt  Victoria, BC  V8W 9E2Email: Gordon…

Pacific salmon swimming underwater along a creek bed.

Small streams surveys

Our interest in small streams stems from their importance to genetic diversity, as nutrient corridors for riparian habitats, food and access sources for bears and other predators, evolutionary opportunities, and fresh water rearing habitat for juvenile salmon, especially coho. When combined, small streams can also provide moderate salmon production which can be important for subsistence fisheries.

Environmentalists decry hunting's record toll on B.C. grizzlies

MARK HUME From Tuesday’s Globe and Mail April 15, 2008 at 3:57 AM EDT VANCOUVER — A record number of grizzly bears were killed in British Columbia last year, according to new figures released yesterday by environmental organizations. “It’s kind of shocking … very disturbing,” Chris Genovali of the Raincoast Conservation Society said of provincial…

Oil Subsidies Undermine Tax

By CHRIS GENOVALI Victoria Times Colonist: Letters to the Editor Published: Thursday, February 21, 2008 While the Liberals try to foster a transition to a low-carbon economy via the new carbon-pricing initiative, their budget announcement simultaneously includes a 24 per cent increase in oil and gas subsidies, in addition to further funding and promotion of…

Brian Falconer at the helm.

Citizen Science

Are you venturing into the Great Bear Rainforest and looking for a way to help out? Our Citizen Science Project lets you contribute to our research in this beautiful area! What is Citizen Science? Citizen science is a term used when scientific work is carried out using a network of volunteers, many of whom may…

Down to the Wire

by Faisal Moola Large Carnivore Projects Coordinator Victoria, BC, March 2005 It’s election time in British Columbia this spring (May 17) and campaigning by the various political parties has already begun in earnest.   In addition to the persistent concerns of the electorate on health care and education, the environment could also be a factor in…