Raincoast Conservation Foundation

Investigate. Inform. Inspire.

Raincoast is a team of scientists and conservationists empowered by our research to safeguard the land, waters, and wildlife of coastal British Columbia. We investigate to understand coastal species and processes. We inform by bringing science to decision-makers and communities. We inspire action to protect wildlife and wildlife habitats.

Whale Sanctuary Listening Station

Endangered Southern Resident killer whales breathe on the surface.
This monitoring site is in an Interim Sanctuary Zone for Southern Resident killer whales.

Healthy Waters Program

A salmon splashes in a stream with extreme light and dark areas.
Water is essential for life and is shared among all living things. Water creates and sustains healthy habitats for salmon and for killer whales, and provides drinking water for people.

Fraser Estuary Research

Salmon fry pool in the estuaries of the Fraser River.
As part of our efforts to understand habitat use, mitigate, and stop habitat destruction in the Fraser River Estuary, we study juvenile salmon

Protecting killer whales

A Southern Resident killer whales swims by as seen from land, and a rainbow is seen in its spout, and a young whale is below.
Raincoast uses science, public education and the courts to protect Canada’s endangered salmon-eating killer whales. But their survival requires your voice and action….

Our vision for coastal British Columbia is to protect the habitats and resources of umbrella species

Wolf on the beach in the fog.
Photo by Simon Ager.
Overhead photo of a pod of killer whales swimming in the ocean.
Photo by Raincoast Conservation Foundation, taken under SARA Research License XMMS-2-2022.

We’re scientists, researchers, and conservationists

Our experienced scientists and conservationists work closely with each other and our partners to ensure that all our work is expertly positioned to make the greatest change.

We have a broad range of expertise on cetaceans, wolves, water, bears, forests, salmon, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and more. Together, members of the Raincoast team have been authors on over 600 peer reviewed papers.

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